

After many years of research working with sources in the United States and Japan, we have developed a treatment that allows to increase athletic performance with the help of a special splint, in both strength and endurance, balance, etc.


For best results, the splint should be custom made. In our office we have all the necessary material to obtain a biometric model to ensure the best performance. Because in sports, the difference is in a few tenths of a second of speed or in a few inches of length or height.


Our splints are guaranteed for durability. We use the newest very light materials.

Sports Dentistry

Until recently, sports dentistry was just a specialty in charge of the study, review, control, prevention and treatment of injuries and diseases related to orofacial manifestations in athletes, besides maintaining the oral and overall health of the athlete.

New developments

Nowadays, Sports Dentistry can help the athlete improve strength, stability, flexibility, balance and agility. It is based on a splint or tray (a kind of cover for teeth) individualized for each athlete and sport.

It is much more than just protection

Apart from the traditional fields of sport dentistry, including:

  1. Protection – to prevent your teeth from breaking if you receive a hit or impact.
  2. Reconstruction – just in case you have a broken tooth or even completely out of the mouth.
  3. Prevention – we know that infections in the mouth and the overall condition of the mouth directly influences the performance status of the athlete and even in the frequency and potential injury.


Now also, through a special tray we can: Force, Balance, Stamina, Reaction time of the athlete. This is done with a special splint which is worn by the athlete during training and even during competition. Other than that of course we also manufacture traditional protectors.

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    We have the latest technology and the latest equipment to make your visit more enjoyable.

    We are experts in making you smile and on top we do it without any pain for you, thanks to the use and further training in conscious sedation techniques, no needles, no side effects.

    Our office is located in a very convenient location for our patients, they can get in with their own vehicles or public transport.


    Clinica SonrisaBonita by Dr German Gomez
    c/ Jose Albi 4, Local B
    Entrance: c/ Manuel Melià i Fuster
    46025 Valencia - Spain

    +34 963 384 385

    +34 658 159 538


    © 2023 • Clínica Dental Dr. Germán Gómez
