
To show a beautiful smile is the best medicine. It is a pity that some people do not smile much to hide teeth imperfections. We are all aware that a pretty, healthy and brilliant smile improves your image and raises your self-esteem. Thanks to the progress made in modern aesthetic dentistry, we can improve your smile with fast, painless and surprisingly affordable treatments.

In our clinic we spend a great amount of time on this type of treatments. We are not only members of aesthetic societies, but Dr. Gómez is also a certified member of the European Society of Esthetic Dentistry (ESED), and has been its General Secretary from 2003 to 2006.

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Dental bleaching is a simple method that is used to lighten the color of the tooth and it is the ideal way to improve the beauty of your smile.

There are many reasons for which teeth darken. It is not possible to improve the color in all cases with a bleaching. In some cases we have to resort to alternatives (direct fillings, crowns, veneers).

Since having white and shiny teeth is a requisite that helps to have an attractive smile, bleaching has become one of the most sought after treatments.

The most popular method

The most popular method consists of a system you can use at home, applying gel into a custom-made tray for your teeth. We take impressions of your teeth to make these trays in the dental laboratory. As soon as the dental trays are received, we will teach you how to place the gel in them (the first application is always in the clinic). The time required for the teeth to be lightened is around 15 days. You just will have to come every 2 or 4 days for a check-up. During that time, you will have to maintain a white diet – also without smoking.

Another method

Another method is to use a very strong gel with a light source over the teeth in our clinic. In this case bleaching is done in about an hour. In this case you will only have to make the white diet during 48 hours.

If you have teeth that are not “alive” (with root canals) the method used for these teeth is internal bleaching.


In all cases (where bleaching is possible) a change of color is achieved that improves the expression of your smile. But bleaching is not forever. Re-bleaching of your teeth will have to be done after two to five years, or before, if you smoke, drink coffee, tea or red wine.

The good news is that re-bleaching does not need so much intensity or so many days as the initial bleaching…and it is cheaper.


Since bleaching only works on natural teeth it is important to know that crowns and fillings that you have in your mouth DO NOT change color and they will probably have to be replaced if their color differs much from the final color of the teeth.


Composite fillings (tooth-colored fillings)

A composite filling is used to repair a tooth that has cavities, fractures, spaces, etc. The affected area of the tooth is eliminated and filled with composite.

There are many materials with which to fill these imperfections. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. Together we will decide the best option for restoring your teeth. In these cases, in our clinic we use a composite with a high percentage of ceramic or porcelain, the color being the same as that of the tooth.

They are durable, but as with all dental material, much depends upon the care that they receive in order to remain in the mouth for many years.

Normally these fillings are done in one appointment. Sometimes it is necessary to anesthetize the tooth to eliminate the cavity or the affected area. This area is cleaned well and prepared for the application of the filling. If the affected area has gotten close to the nerve, additional measures will have to be taken (perhaps a root canal). Composite will then be applied layer by layer using different colors to imitate the different layers and colors that comprise the tooth.

Porcelain Crowns

A crown is a complete covering of the entire visible surface of the tooth and restores its original shape, color and size. When a tooth can no longer be restored by a filling, the crown helps to protect and reinforce the dental structure. There are different types of porcelain crowns and combinations of porcelain and metal (with and without visibility of a metallic edge). In our clinic, whatever the choice, the metallic edge will never be seen. If they are taken care of, crowns can remain in the mouth for many years.

It normally takes two sessions to do a treatment with a porcelain crown. In the first session, we take different impressions, prepare the tooth, and make a provisional crown. You can go home with it and eat without any problem. It will remain in your mouth until the dental laboratory has finished making the definitive porcelain crown (between 10 and 15 days).

During the second appointment, we will remove the provisional crown, clean everything and try on the new definitive crown. When everything is in order, the crown will be cemented.

Porcelain Bridges

A bridge is a fixed (not removable) reconstruction to replace a tooth that is missing. There are different types of bridges. Together we will decide the best options for your particular case. We will always take care that the bridge looks exactly like your natural teeth. The process consists of filling the space left by your missing tooth with a porcelain crown held in place by two crowns on the adjacent teeth (on each side). A bridge can also be made if there are many teeth missing.

To finish a bridge, you will need two or more sessions. On your first appointment, the adjacent teeth are prepared, impressions are taken and the provisional bridge is made.

On your second visit, the definitive bridge is examined, adjusted and cemented. In some cases, it is cemented with provisional cement which allows your teeth and tissue to get used to the new bridge. It is permanently cemented at a later date.

Intensive care of the bridge on your part is essential in order that the bridge last for many years. This includes using a special dental floss, for example, Superfloss.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are very fine pieces of resistant porcelain in the shape and the color of an ideal tooth. They are made in a dental laboratory and are based on the dentist’s preparation (filing) and impressions. They are normally cemented to the front teeth to create an attractive and beautiful smile.

Veneers can change the look of your teeth completely, preserving them to the maximum.

Porcelain veneers normally require two sessions. In the first one, the teeth are prepared by filing the natural tooth very little (much less than for crowns). Impressions are taken and provisional veneers are made.

During the second visit, the definite veneers are examined, adjusted and cemented.

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    We have the latest technology and the latest equipment to make your visit more enjoyable.

    We are experts in making you smile and on top we do it without any pain for you, thanks to the use and further training in conscious sedation techniques, no needles, no side effects.

    Our office is located in a very convenient location for our patients, they can get in with their own vehicles or public transport.


    Clinica SonrisaBonita by Dr German Gomez
    c/ Jose Albi 4, Local B
    Entrance: c/ Manuel Melià i Fuster
    46025 Valencia - Spain

    +34 963 384 385

    +34 658 159 538


    © 2023 • Clínica Dental Dr. Germán Gómez
