Many people chronically suffer from headaches, aches or a tired feeling in the muscles of the face and neck, sensitivity in the area near the ears or even dizziness.
These types of pain are commonly related to teeth, as well as to the masticatory muscles and the temporal mandibular joint. These symptoms may also be caused by trauma, missing dental pieces, stress, wrong bite, etc.
Patients often unconsciously grind or abrade their teeth while sleeping at night.
Some of the symptoms that may arise are: noises and cracking when opening or closing your mouth, muscular pain, the wearing down of teeth, pressing or grinding of the teeth, pain in the joints and little harmony of jaw movements.
Also abrasions of the teeth at the gum-level, where the gums seems to have gone op (or down), can point at a problem, which is based on a functional disorder.
To diagnose this type of problem, the patient must go to the dentist who will analyze the condition of the masticatory system.
It is very important to treat these problems as soon as they appear since the majority of them are usually chronic conditions that worsen and cause greater damage to tissues as time goes on. In certain cases, the damage is irreversible.
In others, it is only necessary to fabricate a splint based on the concepts of the NTI (Necoceptive Trigeminus Inhibition), which will be worn at night to relieve pressure.