

In our office we work with the most efficient technology and treatments like invisible orthodontics. Once we determine which treatment is right for you, and if needed, we will develop a plan from which the aligners will be manufactured for you.


In the office of Dr. Gómez we collaborate with experts who are dedicated to only one specialty, so we can offer a wide range of dental services with the highest quality, always with our supervision.


Our treatments tailored to patients , are warranted for 4 years. In addition , we assure you , whatever your problem is, we can help you and get a nice smile and a healthy mouth.

Painless Dentistry:

What are the benefits of dental sedation? Safety, effectiveness, immediacy, without side effects.

Painless Dentistry: Conscious Sedation

We call it sleep dentistry because most patients tend to have feelings as having a pleasant dream . However, it is actually a conscious sedation , in which the patient can still respond to verbal commands from the dentist. Even the most apprehensive patients have been pleased with the results of sedation dentistry.

Safe Sedation:

During conscious sedation, the dentist and his team constantly monitor each patient with a digital pulse oximeter that measures heart rate and oxygen saturation. In the United States, Germany, Canada and other, in dentistry, highly developed countries, this method is used daily in thousands of patients safely and comfortably.

Unlike other methods of sedation, patients using nitrous oxide gas usually do not require an escort to drive home. In fact, the “laughing gas” and its effects will be completely removed from your body and mind with 3-5 minutes after the gas stops without any dizziness or disorientation.

It is used for adults as for children.

Some people are fortunate enough to have naturally straight, aligned teeth. The size of your teeth and how they fit in your jawbone are decisive reasons for having or not having the correct positioning of your teeth.

Besides genetic reasons, the wrong position of the teeth can be caused by accidents or diseases, loss of teeth that have not been treated in time, habits like thumb-sucking, pressing down with the tongue or lips, a.s.o…

There are many reasons for which people have their teeth aligned, but the most important one is dental health. If teeth are not well-aligned and the maxillary bones are not in the correct position to allow for a good bite, cavities and gum diseases can occur. In more extreme cases there can be articulation problems that are manifested by noises when you open or close your mouth, pain and even deafness.

Another of the reasons for which many people ask to have their teeth aligned is personal appearance. They do not like how their teeth look when they smile or speak.

Visible Option: Ceramic Brackets

We do not have an age limit for beginning an orthodontics treatment. Thanks to ceramic brackets, that have the color of the teeth, they are almost invisible.

The treatment lasts between 6 months and a year and a half in adults, thanks to the fine titanium arches that are used instead of the wire ones used until now. The length of time varies much more in children because it also depends very much upon their stage of growth. A good age to undergo an orthodontic exam is around 8 years, if there are no obvious problems before that age.

Invisible option: invisible orthodontics

In these cases we use transparent trays. You have to wear them the whole day, except when you eat and drink…..and of course when you clean your teeth. These trays are produced by an US-company based on a 3D CAD/CAM model of your mouth.

Usually the treatment takes between one and two years.

Oral hygiene at home is most important in all orthodontic treatments since braces make access and normal brushing difficult.

German specialists assist us in orthodontics to ensure the most advanced technology and the strictest care of our patients.

Other treatments:

The word “periodontal” means “around the tooth”.

Periodontal diseases attack the gums and the bone that holds the teeth. Plaque is a thin film of bacteria, food material and saliva covering your teeth. If plaque is not removed (brushing your teeth and using dental floss), it becomes calculus (tartar). If plaque and tartar are not eliminated, they begin to destroy the gums and the bone. As a result, the gums look red, swollen and bloody.

There are many people who have periodontal diseases but do not know it because they do not cause pain in the initial stages.

Bacteria, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and smoking can be factors that cause these diseases. The loss of bone results in the tooth becoming loose.

Treatments vary according to the stage of the disease. With simple methods it is possible only to try to maintain the level of loss and not let it go farther. But there are also surgical treatments to replace extensive loss of bone.

Patients who undergo periodontal treatment should go for a check up every three months.

Many people chronically suffer from headaches, aches or a tired feeling in the muscles of the face and neck, sensitivity in the area near the ears or even dizziness.

These types of pain are commonly related to teeth, as well as to the masticatory muscles and the temporal mandibular joint. These symptoms may also be caused by trauma, missing dental pieces, stress, wrong bite, etc.

Patients often unconsciously grind or abrade their teeth while sleeping at night.

Some of the symptoms that may arise are: noises and cracking when opening or closing your mouth, muscular pain, the wearing down of teeth, pressing or grinding of the teeth, pain in the joints and little harmony of jaw movements.

Also abrasions of the teeth at the gum-level, where the gums seems to have gone op (or down), can point at a problem, which is based on a functional disorder.

To diagnose this type of problem, the patient must go to the dentist who will analyze the condition of the masticatory system.

It is very important to treat these problems as soon as they appear since the majority of them are usually chronic conditions that worsen and cause greater damage to tissues as time goes on. In certain cases, the damage is irreversible.

In others, it is only necessary to fabricate a splint based on the concepts of the NTI (Necoceptive Trigeminus Inhibition), which will be worn at night to relieve pressure.

Endodontics is the treatment of root canals. Endodontic therapy involves the partial removal (pulpotomy in deciduous teeth) or of the complete dental pulp (nerve-artery-vein) of the tooth.

It is applied in fractured teeth with deep caries or injured in its pulp tissue where we find a characteristic symptomatology called pulpitis.

This is managed with a three-dimensional dental canal obturation.

Treatment is usually done in several sessions. Front teeth usually have a single duct, lateral teeth several canals.

In many cases you have to take antibiotics before starting treatment, since in such cases there is an infection that must be controlled.

In our clinic we work with experts who are dedicated only to this specialty.

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    We have the latest technology and the latest equipment to make your visit more enjoyable.

    We are experts in making you smile and on top we do it without any pain for you, thanks to the use and further training in conscious sedation techniques, no needles, no side effects.

    Our office is located in a very convenient location for our patients, they can get in with their own vehicles or public transport.


    Clinica SonrisaBonita by Dr German Gomez
    c/ Jose Albi 4, Local B
    Entrance: c/ Manuel Melià i Fuster
    46025 Valencia - Spain

    +34 963 384 385

    +34 658 159 538


    © 2023 • Clínica Dental Dr. Germán Gómez
